If everyone on the planet lived my lifestyle, we would need 2.09 Earths... Well, we've only got one and I have to reduce my ecological footprint! Visit the website www.myfootprint.org and take the ecological footprint quiz. By answering 27 questions you can find out how many earths it needs to sustain your lifestyle. The questions it asks in the quiz are interesting, it makes you re-think about the way you live.
突然ですが、エコロジカル・フットプリントってご存知ですか?直訳すると、自然生態への足跡。衣住 食についての診断クイズに答えると、自分の生活が自然環境にどれほどの影響を及ぼしているか、『地球何個分』という指標で評価してくれます。ちなみに私の エコフットは地球2.09個分でした。クライストチャーチから札幌までの飛行距離、往復20,000km。年に一度とは言え、このクイズを受けてちょっと反省しました。
I take long-haul flights annually, from Christchurch to Sapporo is about 10,000km each way. I do feel bad about it! What I've started doing is getting my food from a local farmer's market, so at least fresh foods I eat are not shipped from the other side of the world. Now I also have pots of some veges and herb. Ideally should grow more in a vege garden but I don't have one, so I thought this could be an alternative! At the market I've found a pot of Mizuna (one on right in the below photo), leafy vege which Japanese use for hot pots, soups, salads and all sorts. It's not sold in shops in New Zealand so I was really happy that I found one! Stay well and keep my stomach happy. It's basic but important for me to keep riding to work and home!
でも身近で簡単に始められることから、と思い、最近はリトルトン・マーケットで野菜や果物を調達しています。クライストチャーチ周辺の農家の人たちが作るオーガニックの野菜たちが豊富にそろっていて、野外での買い物が楽しいです。そこで偶然みつけた、みずな。こっちではスーパーにも八百屋さんにも売ってない貴重な野菜。自分で育てるとさらにおいしい気がしてなりません! いつかは自分の庭で野菜を育てて、にわとりも買って卵も自給自足、なんてグリーンでキーウィっぽい生活が夢です。日本語のクイズもあるので、ぜひ受けてみてください!